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Natural medicine therapy, complementary and alternative medicine profession
About the WHO Armata Declaration: Declaration of Liberalization of Primary Health Care
The Alma-Ata Declaration defines its strategy as "Health for All by 2000 AD" through primary health care. This is in pursuance of the aims declared at the WHO / UNICEF sponsored conference at Alma-Ata, USSR.Primary health care has been described as “essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially accepted methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their full participation and at a cost that a community and a country can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self-reliance and self determination. ”
The WHO Armata Declaration defines its strategy as "health for all up to 2000 AD" through primary care.
Summary: Primary care allows countries and regions to bear all accessible therapies (globally recognized, scientific, meeting social demands, establishing institutions) at the discretion of individuals and families. To be able to make choices at a cost (with insurance coverage and by any therapist).
Armata Declaration
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The Alma Ata Declaration was adopted at an international conference Primary Health Care (PHC), Almaty (formerly Alma Ata), Kazakhstan (formerly Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic September 1978), 6-12 [1] It is necessary Expressed for urgent action by all governments, all health and development workers, and the world community to protect and promote the health of all. This was the first international declaration to emphasize the importance of primary health care. Since then, major medical approaches have been accepted by the member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) as the key to achieving the goal of "health for all", but initially only in developing countries. This was applied to all other countries after 5 years. The 1978 Alma Ata Declaration emerged as a major milestone in the field of public health in the 20th century and identified primary health care as the key to achieving the goal of "health for all" around the world.
table of contents
1 Description
1.1 Definition of health
1.2 Equality
1.3 Socio-economic issues and health as a human right
1.4 The role of the nation
1.5 Primary Health Care and Components
The Conference called for urgent and effective national and international action to develop and implement primary health care around the world, especially in developing countries, in line with the spirit of technical cooperation and the new international economic order. rice field. The sentiment of the Declaration was partially inspired by China's barefoot doctor system and revolutionized the state of primary care in rural China. [2] The Declaration has requested governments, WHO, UNICEF, and other international agencies, as well as multilateral and bilateral agencies, non-government agencies, funding agencies, and all health care workers for national and primary health care. A global community that supports international efforts and increases technical and financial support for primary health care, especially in developing countries. The meeting called for cooperation in the implementation, development and maintenance of primary health care in accordance with the spirit and content of the Declaration, as mentioned above. The Declaration has 10 points and does not bind Member States.
Definition of health
The first section of the Declaration reaffirms WHO's definition of health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just illness and frailty." [3] This definition aims to include the social and economic sectors within the scope of achieving health and reaffirms health as a human right.
The Declaration emphasized inequality in health between developed and developing countries and called it politically, socially and economically unacceptable.
Socio-economic issues and health as a human right
The third section called for economic and social development as a prerequisite for achieving good health for all. He also declared that it would have a positive impact on economic and social development and world peace through the promotion and protection of national health.
Participation in the planning and implementation of health care, either as a group or as an individual, has been declared a human right and obligation.
The role of the nation
This section emphasized the role of the State in providing adequate health and social measures. In this section, we announced a call for "Health For All," which has become a WHO campaign over the next few years. It defined the health of all as the achievement of all people in the world by the year 2000 of health levels that enable them to lead socially and economically productive lives. The Declaration called on governments, international organizations, and communities around the world to take this as a major social goal in the spirit of social justice.
Primary care and components
This section defines primary health care and asks signatories to incorporate the concept of primary health care into the medical system. Primary health care has since been adopted in many member countries. Recently, WHO Director Margaret Chan reaffirmed the primary health care approach as the most efficient and cost-effective way to organize a healthcare system. She also points out that international evidence overwhelmingly shows that healthcare systems directed to primary health care produce better results at lower cost, higher user satisfaction. bottom. [Four]
The seventh section shows the components of primary health care. The next two sections called on all governments to incorporate the primary health care approach into their healthcare systems and called for international cooperation to better utilize the world's resources.
About WHO's Strategic Plan on Tradition, Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Developed countries are already promoting the WHO proposal (Armata Declaration 1978). However, in Japan, the self-determination and selection of patients and the utilization of all therapies have not yet progressed. Neighboring Asian countries are several steps ahead. Naturopathic medicine is the mainstream in Europe and the United States, especially in the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Northern Europe. Therefore, there are many facilities.
WHO Strategic Plan on Traditional Medicine 2014-2023
Traditional, complementary and alternative medicine
World Health Organization (WHO) recently updated the objectives of the Traditional Medicine Program in order to meet the new demand of T & CM practices and practitioners, and in response to Resolution WHA62.13 on TM. The WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023 will help health care leaders to develop solutions that contribute to a broader vision of improved health and patient autonomy.
WHO's Strategic Plan on Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine The World Health Organization (WHO) has resolved to meet the new demands of T & CM (Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine) therapists and trainees and on TM (Traditional Medicine). Updated the goals of the traditional medicine program in response to WHA62.13. WHO's Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023 will help national health leaders develop solutions that contribute to a broader perspective through health improvement and patient self-determination. I am calling.
Access the WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023
Access to WHO's Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023