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About joining our association

Natural medicine therapy, alternative medicine therapy professional organization


Go from modern medicine (allopathy) to naturopathy.


Natural medicine therapy, alternative medicine therapy profession

About joining our association

Membership qualifications

WNF: Definition of the Global Naturopathic Therapy Professional
* Naturopathic Naturopathic (practitioner) and * Naturopaths Naturopath (practitioner) and domestic and foreign Naturopathic Doctors Naturopathic Doctors (ND, DNM, PhD (NM)), researchers and domestic and foreign Naturopathic School, College, University, Naturopathic Medical School credit holders, graduates, qualification holders and practitioners, and domestic qualification holders are general members.

1. 1. Experienced studying abroad at international natural medicine therapy universities and graduate schools (including online)

2. 2. Doctors and researchers who have mastered natural medicine and therapy

3. 3. Domestic and foreign related qualification holders (complementary and alternative medicine, alternative medicine therapy, world traditional medicine, etc.) and practitioners

4. Graduates of domestic and foreign natural medicine and alternative medicine training institutions

5. Those who are interested in this field and aim for Naturopathic Naturopathic in the future (anyone: overseas) are members of society and students.


* Already a general member of a natural medicine clinic practitioner and annex.

Please install at least one naturopathy by 2025.


* World Naturopathic Therapy Organization Regulations (WNF, etc.): The number of occupational members other than the naturopathic profession should be 20% or less of the total. Preparing to establish a natural medicine clinic certification system


Special cases for general members

* WHO recommended natural medicine therapy curriculum 1500 hours or more (both domestic and foreign). Please contact us regarding the content and the number of hours.

Membership qualification WNF: Definition of Global Naturopathic Therapies Naturopathy (practitioner) and Naturopath (practitioner) and Naturopathic Doctors at home and abroad Naturopathic Doctors (ND, DNM, PhD (NM)), researchers and Naturopathic School, College, University, Naturopathic Medical School at home and abroad Credit holders, graduates, qualification holders and practitioners, and domestic-related qualification holders are general members.

1.  A doctor who has mastered natural medicine and therapy

2. Experienced studying abroad at universities of natural medicine therapy (including online),

3. Domestic and foreign related qualification holders (complementary and alternative medicine, world traditional medicine, etc.) and practitioners

4. Graduates of domestic and foreign natural medicine and therapy training institutions

5. Those who are interested in this field and aim for Naturopathy in the future (anyone: overseas) are members of society and students.


The association is open to the public, but since it belongs to the United Nations and the World Health Organization of Natural Medicine (a member of the World Health Organization), please apply at your own discretion. We are widely open to the doors, but since we belong to the United Nations and Natural Medicine World Organization (members of the World Health Organization), please apply at your own discretion.

From 2021, our members will be registered with the certification of the World Federation of Naturopathic Medicine. A registration fee of 1000 yen will be collected annually.

Site members are temporary members. To become an official member, it is as above.

About joining our association
Membership qualification
* Naturopathy Naturopathy and Naturopaths Naturopath and Naturopathic Doctors Naturophathic doctor, Researchers (Naturopathic School, College, University, Naturopathic Medical School abroad, graduates, qualification holders and practitioners) are general members. Those who are interested in this field and are looking for Naturopathy & Naturopath in the future (anyone: overseas) will be members of society and student members.
  WHO recommended naturopathic medicine curriculum course Those who completed 1500 hours or more (regardless of domestic or overseas). We will respond to your inquiries about contents and number of hours.

This member will register with the certification of the world organization. Registration fee will be charged 1000 yen per year.
Site members are temporary members. In order to become an official member it is as above.


Membership fee

Members are required to pay an annual membership fee. This is one person per member as expenses in order to maintain the Society annual general membership 2,000 yen (3,000 yen) and adult members 2,000 yen (3,000 yen) and student member 1,000 yen (2,000 yen). Naturopathy Naturopathic related organizations, etc. 10,000 yen per year ( 11,000 yen )

  Supporting members of companies, etc. are 10,000 yen ( 11,000 yen) per year.

​​ * A membership fee of 1000 yen for international organizations such as WNF will be added. (We will register as an association related to this association and as an individual.)

  * Please make a request by e-mail, etc., write down the zip code, address, name, contact information, department, etc. and send it. Please transfer the membership fee and register as a member. We will send materials from various international organizations on a regular basis. Please fill in as a spare.

  * Membership fee (including introduction from members)

It will be free of charge until 2020 (March 31, 2021).

Membership fee: Settlement (bank)


In order to maintain this conference, annual members of 3,000 yen per year, members of social workers 3,000 yen and student members 2,000 yen per member are expenses as expenses. Naturopathy Naturopathy related organization, etc. 12,000 yen per year
  Companies and other support members are 12,000 yen per year.
  * Please offer by e-mail, etc., please send us a postal code, address, name, age, contact address, department, qualification etc. Please write. Membership fee will be transferred and member registration will be done. We will send. you a member certificate.
  * About membership fee (including referrals from members)
It will be free until 2020 (March 31, 2021).


Membership status

  Members are general members, working members, student members, and supporting members. Membership status and expenses are common not only to Japanese but also to other countries around the world. (This member shall be fair, impartial and equal except for the distinction based on the country of origin, knowledge and experience of natural medicine therapy.)

We recommend international symposiums related to natural medicine, participation in conferences, posters, and oral presentations.

You can also become a member of the United Nations NGO and WHO World Natural Medicine Society (you can also participate as a member of the World Health Organization of the United Nations).

If you wish, we recommend UN events, various committees, board participation, and statement presentations.

In addition, we are cooperating with WHO member global health organizations, North American scientists' organizations, and EU environmental organizations.

We can do things that Japanese organizations cannot do. Many friends in the world are waiting for you.


About the organization

For the time being, the chairman, vice chairman, committees and members have not been established.

We would like to install them one by one at the general meeting in the next few years. Until then, the United Nations NGO (Non-Profit General Incorporated Association) International Career Support Association will manage the association.


National / Regional Seminar Lecturer

  This society aims to be active as locally and voluntarily as possible. Regional seminars are at the center of this. With the approval of the Society, any member can reach out to colleagues in the area to establish a regional seminar.

Our members include working members of Naturopathy & Naturopathic Doctor, including China, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Taiwan.

We will proceed in the following manner in sequence.

  Members shall be general members, members of social workers, student members and supporting members. Membership status and expenses will be shared not only by Japanese but all over the world. (This member is equitable and equal except for distinguishing between naturopathy medicine origin country, knowledge and experience.)
National and regional seminar lecturer
  This academic society aims to be as active as possible in the area and spontaneously. It is region seminar that becomes the center. With the approval of this society, each member can establish a regional seminar by calling out to the region's colleagues.
Members of the association have members of Naturopathy & Naturopathic Doctor members of society including China, Hong Kong, Taiwan.
We will progress with the procedure below in order.

・ Establishment of a domestic academic society

・ Attracting overseas academic societies

・ Recommendation for presentations at overseas conferences

・ Translation publishing plan

・ Community Healthcare Advisor

・ Supplement product planning

・ Opening support

・ Establish domestic academic soci
· · Attract abroad conference
・ Overseas conference recommendation recommendation
· · Translational publishing planning
· · Regional healthcare advisor
· · Supplement product planning
・ Business opening support






Professor of World Institute of Natural Medicine Asia Japan School and President of Japan School: Masanori Kaneko

Chairman of the United Nations NGO (Non-Profit General Incorporated Association) International Career Support Association and Japan Society of Natural Medicine

A member of the United Nations Agenda 2030 Project PCP Team. Director of CONGO JACE, United Nations Headquarters Church Center

Doctor of Science (United States), Doctor of Natural Medicine (Canada), Doctor of Alternative Medicine Research Philosophy (India), Master of Biology, Bachelor (United States), WONM Asia University Professor Volunteer Professor (China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan) University Of People Former volunteer part-time instructor, medical university, nursing vocational school part-time instructor, medical vocational school, former clinical laboratory engineer and clinical engineering engineer.

MBA Master of Business Administration (United States), Osaka Municipal University (Commercial) 4th year dropout, Nara Prefectural Junior College (Commercial Economics), Management / Human Resources Development Consulting Company Past and Current (Chairman of Consulting Co., Ltd.).

Dissertation on natural medicine, etc. Researcher dedicated to overseas specialized media

In the Showa era, after successfully separating a new type of microorganism at a university hospital, he was involved in private emergency medicine, and was involved in hospital startups (3 cases), hospital M & A, drug discovery clinical trials, and the spread of transplantation medicine. About Japan in the 21st Century: Internationalization, mobilization of human resources, and diversification of medical care. To that end, we have accumulated knowledge and experience from the bottom (including human resource development).

UN NGO (Non-Profit General Incorporated Association) International Career Support Association and Japan Natural Medicine  Society

Japan Consultancy Corp.

Representative Director and Chairman

Member of the United Nations Agenda 2030 Project PCP team. CONGOJACE Officer, Church Center, United Nations Headquarters

Doctor of Science (US), Doctor of Natural Medicine (Canada), Doctor of Alternative Medicine (India), Master of Bioscience (USA), MBA Master of Business Administration (USA), WONM Asia University Professor Volunteer Professor (China, Taiwan, Professor of Malaysia, Singapore, Japan School and President) University Of People Former volunteer part-time lecturer, medical university, nursing college part-time lecturer. Former clinical laboratory technician and clinical engineer. Management and human resource development consulting company Previous position and current position.
Researcher specialized in overseas media such as natural medicine

After the successful isolation of a new type of nucleics at a university hospital in the Showa era, he was involved in private emergency medicine and was involved in the spread of hospital start-ups (3 cases), hospital M & A, drug discovery clinical trials, About Japan in the 21st Century: Internationalization, personnel mobility, and medical diversification. Therefore, we have accumulated knowledge and experience from the bottom (including human resource development).

whos-first-ever-global-summit-for-traditional-medicine-commences_edited (1).jpg




医学系理学博士(アメリカ合衆国)、自然医学療法博士(カナダ)、代替医学研究哲学博士(インド)、バイオロジー科学修士、学士(アメリカ合衆国)、WONM Asia University Professor ボランティア教授(中国、台湾、マレーシア、シンガポール、日本校教授兼学長)University Of People 元ボランティア非常勤講師、医療系大学、看護専門学校非常勤講師歴任,医療専門学校,元臨床検査技師及び臨床工学技士。




UN NGO (Non-Profit General Incorporated Association) International Career Support Association and Japan Natural Medicine  Society

Japan Consultancy Corp.

Representative Director and Chairman

Member of the United Nations Agenda 2030 Project PCP team. CONGOJACE Officer, Church Center, United Nations Headquarters

Doctor of Science (US), Doctor of Natural Medicine (Canada), Doctor of Alternative Medicine (India), Master of Bioscience (USA), MBA Master of Business Administration (USA), WONM Asia University Professor Volunteer Professor (China, Taiwan, Professor of Malaysia, Singapore, Japan School and President) University Of People Former volunteer part-time lecturer, medical university, nursing college part-time lecturer. Former clinical laboratory technician and clinical engineer. Management and human resource development consulting company Previous position and current position.
Researcher specialized in overseas media such as natural medicine

After the successful isolation of a new type of microorganism at a university hospital in the Showa era, he was involved in private emergency medicine and was involved in the spread of hospital start-ups (3 cases), hospital M&A, drug discovery clinical trials, and transplantation medicine. About Japan in the 21st Century: Internationalization, personnel mobility, and medical diversification. Therefore, we have accumulated knowledge and experience from the bottom (including human resource development).

Regenerative medicine support consulting and regenerative medicine naturopathic personnel training courses offered.


© 1995-2025  by 30th anniversary by UN-NgoICSA  & Japan Naturopathic  (Naturopathy & Naturopathic Doctors) Society

UN(United Nations)-NGO ICSA&WANM
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