About natural medicine (therapy)
Natural medicine therapy, complementary and alternative medicine profession
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World Natural Medicine Therapy Principles
Naturopathic Medicine There are some important principles in naturopathic medicine:
● Spontaneous healing power: The body has the ability to maintain good health and restore it to its original state. Naturopathy Naturopathy promotes this healing process by removing obstacles to healing and identifying therapies that promote healing.
● Cause identification and therapy: Naturopathic Naturopathic treats not only the symptoms of the disease, but also the underlying cause of the disease. Symptoms are external symptoms of internal imbalance due to any combination of physical, mental, or emotional causes. Symptom management may be important, but it is important not to ignore the cause of the illness.
● Almost harmless: Natural remedies plans to use treatments that are mild, non-invasive, effective, and have no harmful side effects. Conscious efforts have been made to use methods that do not suppress symptoms.
● Naturopathic Naturopathic (practitioner) as a teacher ・ Naturopath Naturopath (practitioner) and Naturopathic Doctor Natural Medicine Doctor: The Latin language of the doctor is doctore. This means "teaching". Naturopathy The main role of naturopathic and naturopathic doctors is in patient education, self-authorization, and motivation.
● Prevention: Focus on general health and prevention of illness.
From the World Naturopathic Federation
Naturopathic remedies are a medical system with a deep history of traditional views and habits, medically trained practicing naturopaths, and natural treatment options offered to patients.
Naturopathic History of Natural Medicine Therapy
Naturopathy: Naturopathy, which dates back to the Greek era, has been practiced in the German region for centuries. Many of the principles and philosophies of naturopathic remedies were born in Germany and Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. Prior to 1900, Naturopaths Naturopaths were trained by European naturopaths from all over the world using hydrotherapy, herbs, and other traditional healing techniques. Currently, European countries consider the practice of natural medicine therapy as healthcare as an evolved medical system that incorporates the principles, theories, styles, and traditions of natural medicine therapy codified in North America into the traditional medicine of each country. .. Traditional forms and practices of natural medicine therapy are common in Europe.
North America is considered the home of modern-day Naturopathic or Naturopathic medicine naturopathic remedies. Most schools in North America are government-approved, and all regions of North America are regulated or licensed (50% of Canadian provinces and 38% of all US provinces / regions are regulated. Is). Naturopathic medicine To support the practice of naturopathic medicine, there are strong national and regional Naturopathic associations naturopathic associations, ongoing Naturopathic naturopathic research, professional groups and journals. North America is credited with encoding the principles of natural medicine therapy and contributing to some of the established theories and practices currently in use around the world.
Naturopathic / Naturopathic remedies are introduced in the country when trained naturopathic therapists / naturopathies move and acquire their skills in North America and Europe. It integrates training in Europe and North America with a traditional medical system in its own country. For example, after being trained by the European Naturopath, naturopathic remedies were introduced in India. Two of the respondents from Southeast Asia said they were originally trained in the United States.
The World Naturopathic Federation is currently conducting research projects to clarify and systematize the historical basis of natural medicine therapies around the world.
Naturopathic Principles
Naturopathic medicine There has been extensive historical debate about the principles and practices of naturopathic medicine, but the American Association of Naturopathic Therapists (AANP) formed a committee of naturopathic therapists Pamela Snider, Jared Zeff and others 1986. Until the year. These practitioners reviewed historical data and documents and spent more than three years interviewing more than 1,000 people. In 1989, the definition of Naturopathic Medicine and the description of the six principles of naturopathic medicine were formally codified, two North American Naturopathic Physician (AANP) and the Canadian Association of Natural Medicine Therapists (AANP). Accepted by CAND)). Based on the 2014 Global Naturopathic Naturopathic Labor Force Survey, these principles appear to have international recognition and acceptance.
The principles of naturopathic medicine taught in most countries are:
First, it is harmless and does not give (Do No Harm (primum non nocere))
The healing power of nature (vis medicatrix naturae)
Deal with the cause (tollecausam)
Treat the whole body (tolletotum)
Sensei as a doctor (docere)
Disease prevention and health promotion
Wellness (healthy life)