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About sponsors and donations

Natural Medicine, Naturopathic, Alternative Medicine, Alternative Therapy Professional Organization

Please official sponsor or donate our project.

Our project (building humanitarian medicine, improving natural medicine therapy in Japan and for the next generation)

Thank you for your donation.

Thanking you in advance.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for your cooperation.


Bank of Kyoto

Yamatokoriyama Branch

Savings account


Tokuhi) Nihonshizen Igatsukai

Bank Name: The Bank of Kyoto (SWIFTCode: BOKFJPJZ)

Branch: Yamatokooriyama branch  (Code: 545)

Adress: Japan Nara-Prefecture Yamatokooriyama-shi Yanagi-machi 1-20

Account No .: Ordinary Account  1070921

Account Name: Tokuhi) Nihon Shizen Igatsukai 

About sponsors

By convention

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Natural medicine therapy, alternative medicine therapy professional organization

© 1995-2025  by 30th anniversary by UN-NgoICSA  & Japan Naturopathic  (Naturopathy & Naturopathic Doctors) Society

UN(United Nations)-NGO ICSA&WANM
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