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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-2019)
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-2019)

Key Point
• Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which originated in Wuhan, China, was first identified in early January.
• There is not yet enough information to identify the incubation period, infection rate, or the first source of the virus.
• If you have traveled to China (or other critically affected areas) in the last two weeks, or have come into contact with someone who is ill, contact your local health authority. Do not go to a naturopathic doctor, walk-in clinic, or hospital if you suspect you have COVID-2019, as it may spread to others.
• If you suspect you have COVID-2019, please contact the state / territory / state health department or infectious disease department for advice on how to proceed.

Background The coronavirus family was first discovered in the 1960s. Common to these viruses is the coronary spikes on their surface. There are seven coronaviruses that can affect humans. (1) Currently, the gene structure of COVID-2019 is considered to be about 70% similar to SARS-CoV. In the month when SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) was active, it was responsible for over 8,000 known infections and 774 deaths. As of February 15, 2020 (about 6 weeks after COVID-2019 was first identified), COVID-2019 cases have been confirmed in 24 countries, with more than 49,000 cases (505 outside China). And 1,381 deaths (only two abroad) China). Here is a link to the country where the case was confirmed. (2) Here is a link to the WHO COVID-2019 update.

There are four types of common coronaviruses (229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1), which are associated with colds that affect most people at some point in their lives. Typical coronavirus infections are short-lived and present with symptoms such as runny nose, headache, cough, sore throat, fever, and poor health. In infected people, the elderly, young people, and people with weakened immune systems and other serious health problems, the common coronavirus can cause bronchitis and pneumonia.
COVID-2019 is a new strain. It often begins with a cold with fever, lethargy, coughing, and dyspnea. Other symptoms include sore throat, stuffy nose, and swollen adenoids. Some people, especially those who are infected, can rapidly cause respiratory symptoms, including viral pneumonia. Rapid progression can make an individual very ill and cause death.

Human coronavirus usually spreads from direct contact between the infected and others through: (1) • Air from coughing or sneezing • Close personal contact such as touching or shaking hands Touching mouth, nose, or eyes before washing hands • Rarely, fecal contamination is a mode of transmission in China Travelers returning from other areas affected by the potentially deadly coronavirus should be monitored for 14 days of respiratory disease symptoms. People who have a fever, cough, or dyspnea within two weeks of traveling to Wuhan or nearby areas should isolate themselves and seek medical evaluation. "

The following steps may help prevent the risk of most infections. Currently, there is no approved treatment to prevent or treat COVID-2019. • Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Be sure to wash your hands before preparing or eating. Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands. • Cough hygiene: When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with tissue, throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands. If you don't have tissue, it's better to cough on the sleeves of your shirt. Be sure to wash your hands after coughing or sneezing, not your hands. (3) • Food hygiene: Try to use different cutting boards for meat and vegetables. Clean the cutting board thoroughly. Do not share water, food, or products (glasses, cutlery, hygiene products) with people with respiratory infections. • Clean Surface: Cleans and disinfects all objects and surfaces touched, whether shopping for groceries, flying, or being exposed to new things.
• Avoidance: Avoid close contact with sick people. If you have a cold or flu, stay home to reduce the risk of spreading the infection to others and to support the healing process. Avoid large numbers of people if you are at high risk. If you wear a mask, choose a mask that covers both your nose and mouth.

Health Promotion
Natural remedies recognize the importance of both reducing exposure and coping with individual susceptibility as a way to promote overall health. The following guidelines are useful in supporting your overall health. For specific recommendations, it is important to work with a naturopathic doctor or a medically trained healthcare professional.
• Maintain hydration: Make sure you are well hydrated, especially if you have dehydration that helps your body to fight infections.
• Balanced and clean diet: Limits known food intolerance. Ensure balanced nutrition including lean protein, vegetables and whole grains. Limit foods that cause mucus (excess bread, dairy products, yeast, bananas, etc.). (4) Restrict processed foods and foods high in salt and sugar.
• Spices: Many warming spices have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Spices such as garlic, raw inger, thyme, oregano and sage can be easily added to tea and cooking.
• Sleep: Get enough sleep. If you have a cold or flu symptoms, you often need more sleep.
• Stress management. Reduce and manage stress. Positive relationships are associated with stronger immunity and overall health. (7)
• Indoor pollutants. Address indoor contaminants such as mold as they can exacerbate lung-related illnesses. (8, 9)
• Avoid smoking. Exposure to smoking and indirect smoking may increase susceptibility to lung-related diseases. (Ten)
• Exercise: Moderate exercise enhances immune function and reduces the risk of respiratory infections. Intensive exercise can suppress the normal immune response.
Poor physical condition (11)

It is important to follow the advice of the local Ministry of Health during the outbreak.

Clinical criteria include a history of fever or fever (≥38ºC) and acute respiratory infections (respiratory infections in which at least one of shortness of breath, cough or sore throat develops suddenly).
Or a severe acute respiratory infection requiring hospitalization with clinical or radiological evidence of pneumonia or acute respiratory discomfort syndrome (ie, even without evidence of fever).
Please note that the above information is subject to change as more information about this virus is available. For the latest information on COVID-2019 and other coronaviruses, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( or your local Ministry of Health).
Reference material
1 Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 2020. New Coronavirus 2019, Wuhan, China.
2 CDC – Confirmed Locations:
3. The effect of cough etiquette that disrupts the transmission chain of infectious respiratory diseases: 4. Fruit and vegetable intake is immune Impact Elderly function: Randomized comparative study:
5. Ullah M, Akhtar M, Hussain F, Imran M. 2015. Effects of sugar, salt and distilled water on white blood cells and platelet cells. J tumor. 4 (1): 354-358.http: //
6. Sleep and immune function:
7. Indoor air quality and health: 8. Anger, stress and dysregulation cause lung wear 9. Early Origins of Air Pollutants and Respiratory Diseases: articles / PMC6033955 /
10. Health effects of smoking:
11. Casteleijn, D. & Finney-Brown, T., (2014). Respiratory infections and immunodeficiency. In J. Sarris & J. Wardle (Ed's), Clinical Natural Remedies: A Practical Evidence-Based Guide (pp. 159-182) Elsevier, Sydney.
Dr. Iva Lloyd of BCPP, North Carolina – President of the World Federation of Natural Remedies (WNF) Dr. Paul Sanders, Dr. North Dakota, ND – Research Committee, WNF
Tina Hausser, Naturopathic Doctor, Heilpraktiker – First Vice President, WNF
David Casteleijn, BHSc (Natural Remedies), MHSc (Chinese Medicine), RN, MNHAA – WNF Secretary

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